I'm not a big one for halloween. We didn't celebrate it in anyway when I was a child and as I grew older I felt no need to dress up in various scary/ scant costumes and go party on a particular day of the year. In fact I am a huge fan of fancy dress just not so agreeable to the idea of Halloween. However this year I feel like I may have made up for a lifetimes worth of Halloween partying. Which is exactly what all my Aussie friends wanted (they don't do Halloween at all over there) so I guess we can say it was a success. How we made up lost time was by making the decision to attend three different Halloween parties over the course of 5 day's. Thursday we attended a local club which has a free shuttle to and from our uni. I was dressed as a bat:
We took Friday to recover and then Saturday night went out again. This time to an amazing pub in downtown Toronto which consists of 2 old house each four stories. Thus, this pub has many a room and many a bar. For this night I was a fairy:
After taking Sunday to rest up once more and after a day of classes on Monday we were once again ready to head out to party. This time it was actual Halloween and so we headed back into downtown Toronto to a club called Cobra. This time I was an Angel:
But the best costume of the night has to go to Jesse, guess how long that took to do?
Overall it was a fun time, I partied with friends and got to dress up. Oh, and the porters station and security guard for our building even had bowls of 'candy' for us as we went past so it was like mini trick or treating.
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